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How to make beer: On Making Great Tasting Beer

Monday, September 3, 2007

On Making Great Tasting Beer

Of all the things that go into making great tasting beer at home, patience is the first concept to put into practice. Be patient when boiling your wort, patient when adding your finishing hops, patient when going through primary fermentation. Patience allows the chemistry to come together, allows the flavors to be extracted from the hops, and patience allows the fine sediments to be distilled out of your beer to improve its appearance.

The next and probably most important aspect to making great tasting beer is great tasting water. If you have impure water from your tap, it's acceptable to use bottled water. Of course, using bottled water can add to the cost of your beer, but believe me, it will be worth using a high quality water as your foundation.

Your choice of the freshest barely or malt extracts, hops and yeast species will all add to your great tasting beer. If you have a chance to go to your local home brew supply store, take the time to smell each of your chosen ingredients for the quality and flavor you are looking for. The aroma of your ingredients should be a great indicator of how your finished product will taste.

Lastly, consider organic ingredients, which can often be found at your local green grocer as well as your local home brew store.

Making great tasting beer is rewarding in its own right, and by taking your time, using the best quality and freshest ingredients, you will improve the quality of your beer and make yourself a proud brewmaster.

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